

Monday, September 21, 2015

God Hears Your Prayers!!

September 21, 2015

This week was amazing! We hit standards (after many prayers for many weeks!!)
So the 10 and 11-yr-old are doing amazing!! We taught them about the Plan of Salvation. We taught about the pre-earth life saying "We lived with Heavenly Father for a really long time before we even came here. You are literally His daughters and He knows you and loves you so much." They both just sat there, amazed. They had never known where they came from. Daisy said "That is so amazing," in such a reverent voice. It really is special to teach and see missing pieces filled in in others lives. Their whole family came to church on Sunday and it was actually practice  for the Primary Program next week, so they are so excited to be up there and singing! Ha. Can't wait!
As far as food goes, my Hispanic variety has expanded! We were walking to visit a potential, and saw a lady outside cooking. So we walk over to talk to her and it turns out she's from El Salvador, and was making pupusas!!! These things are legend! We just sat there watching her, mesmerized by her skills. She was cooking like 15 at a time on this big grill. It is actually like super hard to hand-make tortillas. She let us have one as we taught her the Book of Mormon. SO YUMMY. Oh my,  I want to visit El Salvador. The Hispanic culture is fascinating- and don't be freaked out when I try to kiss everyone on the cheek when I get back- it's going to take a while to break that tradition. Haha.
Oh, and, guess who else came to church! Javier! I don't know if I already told you about him, but he is the best friend of Hugo, who just got baptized a few months ago.We taught him for a while, but he never came to church, so we stopped teaching him. Then, yesterday, we walk into sacrament meeting and there he was! Sitting next to Hugo, a big smile on his face. I couldn't believe my eyes, and I just stared at him for a few minutes with my mouth hanging open. Ha. Anyway, he seemed to really like it and he got to watch his friend pass the sacrament. He was very reverent and seemed to feel the power of the ordinance during the sacrament. Super cool surprise!!
And the best news of all!!!!! Carolina! I found out yesterday that Carolina is doing great! She got to her new house, settled in, and her new neighbors came over. Turns out they are members! (NOT a coincidence) and that they invited her to church and she's like "I'm already baptized!" haha. So she went to her new ward and LOVED IT! She is already best friends with her new bishop and they are getting ready to take her to the temple. And she has a new boyfriend who was pretty skeptical about the church, especially about Joseph Smith. So she made him go to church with her and she said:
 "Ok. How many times did you hear the name Joseph Smith in church today? 
Him: Zero
Carolina: "Exactly. We believe in and worship Jesus Christ. And I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God."
Goooo Carolina! Best member missionary ever! :D
This whole time I have been pleading in prayer that Heavenly Father would help her and He has answered my prayers!
Miracles happen, people!
Prayers are answered!
People are changed!
-Hna Webb

Surprise pizza delivery from my mom!!

Curled my hair for the first time in months!!

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