

Monday, March 30, 2015


March 30, 2015

If you are reading this, Stop.

Go to HeLives.mormon.org. Watch the 2-minute video.

I feel the Spirit stronger and stronger every time I watch it. So go watch it again. And again. And then share it with your family. And your best friend. And your grandma.
Tell everyone that you know that Christ lives.

And because He lives,
If you reach, if you call out, if you cry out, He is here.
He rose on the third day, He lives today, FIND HIM.

I had the privilege to speak on Sunday about Easter, and the blessings of the Resurrection of the Savior Jesus Christ in my life. As I really pondered that, I thought Because He Lives...what?
And then I started to realize that Because He Lives, everything is possible. That this life is not the end. I will see my grandpa, my friend Brady, and that all that is unfair in this life will be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. That Because He Lives, His living church is on the Earth once again. With prophets and apostles to lead and guide us. With saving ordinances like baptism to open the gates of the celestial kingdom. And with temples dotting the Earth to seal families together for time and all eternity.

So that's all I can think about, all I want to tell  people about. Is the most joyful news that this world has ever received, from the mouth of an angel. "He is not here. HE IS RISEN."
If you don't already know that for yourself, find out. Find Him. Through prayer, through living the way He lives, through reading His teachings in the scriptures.
This Easter season, take the time to really know for yourself. And when you do, Share.

I love you all. And more than anything in this world, I love my Savior, Jesus Christ.

Hermana Webb

Monday, March 23, 2015

Secret Service! TRY IT!!

March 23, 2015


This week was wonderful! We had the coolest lesson with Nadia! We were teaching her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the steps to take in our lives to return to our Heavenly Father. We talked about faith, repentance, baptism, the Holy Ghost, and at the end we explained to her about the temple and eternal families. And during this particular lesson, I felt the Spirit so strongly. Like yeah, you strive to have the Spirit present with all of the people you teach. But while I was talking to Nadia, I really felt that the words I was saying were not coming from me, but from the Spirit. One thing that is something all missionaries have to learn is how to teach by the Spirit. It is easy to worry and always be thinking about what you will say next, but we learn to instead focus on what the people are saying, and trusting the promise in the scriptures that "it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say." So at the end of this amazing lesson, I asked "Nadia, will you be baptized and prepare to enter the temple?" (but in Spanish of course!) and she said Yes! I felt so much joy and know that she will soon be ready for this step. Please keep my dear Cuban friend in your prayers this week! :)

So there's this man named Jorge. He's a member and from Jalisco, Mexico. And he loves missionaries! He is soooo funny. Last week he was talking to us at church and he asks if he can take a picture with us. Then yesterday he was talking to us after Gospel Principles class and showing me all the pictures of missionaries he has known. Then, while I'm distracted, he reaches over and gives me the biggest hug!! I was SO shocked! He just starts laughing and laughing. He KNOWS that he's not allowed to hug the Hermanas, so he was just doing it to make me mad. Hahaha. The Elders were watching and just looked at me and shook their heads. Haha, oh Jorge. He is crazy, but we love him! 

Also, this week we decided to do some secret service. So what you do is you go to someone's house, secretly do some service in their yard, or whatever they need help with, and then leave! It's great! :) Haha. We were thinking about Paola, and even though we can't teach her anymore, we realized we could still serve her and her lawn is in pretty bad shape. So we rode our bikes over and just sat down and weeded all of her yard. And I might add, in the midst of all this, I feel something land on my lap and look up to see a nasty worm on my skirt!!! Hermana Miller thought it would be pretty funny to send the little guy she had found my way. I didn't think it was very funny...haha, ok yeah it was pretty funny. Anyways, we finished up her lawn and put all the weeds into Hermana Miller's bike basket. So we ride away, so happy and content, probably looking like a few weirdos riding around with a basket full of dirt :) Yay. Haha. So you should try it!! Especially if you're having a hard day, look for someone in your neighborhood or just a complete stranger and do some secret service! It can really turn your day around!

-Hna Webb

Decorating our little robin eggs. Yay for almost being Easter!

Hooray for sunshine!

So what do we do?
We knock anyway (:

Monday, March 16, 2015

Cooking Catastrophes and Cuban Commitments

March 16, 2015


2 Miracles with 2 Awesome Investigators:

1. We are still teaching Nadia, the lady that invited us in right away from Cuba! We taught her about the Plan of Salvation, and the beautiful opportunity she has as a mother to raise one of God's children. We told her that this plan allowed for eternal families and she was just radiating- talking about all the things she loved about being a mom. Then we started talking about baptism and a goal that she could work towards to prepare herself for this sacred ordinance. Out of nowhere, she says "I want to finish the whole Book of Mormon." My jaw just dropped. I mean, we have a hard enough time getting people to read one little chapter of scripture. After I recovered from the shock, haha, I asked her how long she thought she would need to finish it. A month?, I suggested. She flipped through the 531 pages of the most precious book I have ever read and said "15 days." WOW. She set her own goal to finish the Book of Mormon in 15 days, and I know that when she's done reading, her testimony will be so strong and she will be ready to be baptized into the true and living church of Jesus Christ. MIRACLE

2. Gabriela. She is also related to the Lopez family and is from Mexico. We were teaching her this week and mid-sentence, she stopped me and told me she had to tell me something. She goes on to tell me that she had a dream after the last time we visited with her and that she was in God's presence and was afraid. God told her not to fear and to take the key that was in front of her. She told me she had felt an overwhelming feeling of peace and love to be in the presence of her Heavenly Father. She said she had never had a dream like that before. I explained to her how God can sometimes communicate with us through different ways, including dreams. And then I explained that baptism is the key to unlock the door and qualify us to return to our Heavenly Home. I asked her if she would follow the heavenly guidance she received and be baptized. She said Yes!! MIRACLE

And I also learned that sometimes Heavenly Father puts you in people's lives to bless them for a variety of reasons. For example, Hermana Miller's cooking skills are...well less than par. Haha. She tried to make pancakes yesterday and I walk into the kitchen to see all this smoke and this black, fat glob of dough that somewhat resembled a pancake sitting in the pan. Hahahaha. Oh man. So the next day, I made sure to teach her how to make some delicious golden-brown pancakes without almost burning the apartment down. So that was our cooking adventure of the week!

Hermana Webb

Pretty Petalssss

We love Spring

Monday, March 9, 2015


March 9, 2015

Well hello!

This week was so SUNNY!! YAY! Spring is here and I am loving this weather! Wow, everywhere you look there are cherry blossoms and flowers and so many pine trees! And behind it all, the mountains. Ahh. I love Washington! It's a miracle- we've had no rain this week and lots of warm sun. So that naturally cheers everyone up and more people are outside- we saw this dad and his two young sons playing hockey in rollerblades in the parking lot as we were stopped at a stoplight. It was so cute!! Because the boys were just little squirts and the dad was really makin em play. We saw him racing his son for the puck and then he just shoves his son down and sends the puck soaring into the net. Hahaha so funny. I love seeing families outside playing together!

We're also gonna have a baptism soon!! Yay! So here's the story- this guy's name is Eltori. He's been going to church basically every Sunday for a year and is STILL not baptized! He has a strong testimony and is such a good person! He's like 50 and he goes around shouting in Spanish "ORALE!!" Hahaha he cracks us up! But recently he got surgery and took care of some medical problems that were an issue for him before baptism. But now he is recovered and finally has the desire to make this sacred covenant with God. We were reading in Mosiah 18 with him where it describes the promises we make at baptism. We asked if he was willing to "cry with those that cry and comfort those that stand in need of comfort." We asked him what he would do if we were really sad. He says well I would just pat your head and say "no llores, no llores!" Haha he's got that part down! Please pray for Eltori this week that all will work out for his baptism!

Also, right after we finished teaching Eltori and said a prayer with him, I look up to see....the LOPEZ FAMILY! As in, my favorite family in the whole world that I was teaching for months in Marysville. The 3 kids that are the joy of my life!! So they live 40minutes away and just happened to be visiting their aunt and just happened to be talking a walk by Eltori's trailer when we just happened to be outside on his porch!! Ok..so this did not just happen!! It was a tender mercy of the Lord to allow me to see this beautiful family and cheer me up on a really hard day!

I love the Gospel! I love my Savior Jesus Christ! And I love every one of my brothers and sisters here in Washington! "When you loose yourself in the service of others, you truly find yourself." Keep praying and looking for friends and strangers! to share the gospel with! Do NOT allow Satan to bind your tongue and keep fear from allowing you to experience the most joyous feeling in the world- that of sharing the Gospel!

I'm a Mormon! I know it, I live it, I LOVE IT!

-Hermana Webb

Mmmmmmm!! Cafe Rio!!

Cupcake sandwiches with the district!

YAY for Mexican food with Cenobio!!! He's a recent
convert and incredible!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Well, I Didn't Get Transferred!

March 2, 2015

Well, I didn't get transferred! Nor did Hermana Miller! Yay! But we did move apartments. From one end of our area to the other. Yeah you never realize how much you've got stuff you've got until you have to pack it into a van with 2 bikes, and 2 other missionaries stuff. That van was CHUCK FULL. Ha. But we made it work. But we get to our new apartment to discover that (1) there are two bathrooms! I have my own bathroom! (2) there's a sweet fitness center that we get all to ourselves at 6:30 am (3) we have a magic trash can that we put outside every night and it magically disappears by the next day! Haha. So yeah, we feel pretty blessed. (It's the small things...)

  As for our area, we have some awesome people that we are teaching right now. Two are from Cuba and I just love them so much!! We help them with their English homework sometimes and it's so cute to hear them trying to learn English. Haha they both have little 2-year old sons and we are best of friends. One of them looks EXACTLY like Tyler as a baby! At first, he was super shy and always hid behind his mom, but now we go over there and he's trying to climb all over us and always going through all my stuff and slobering all over my watch..haha. Anyways, these little families need the gospel so much. We read The Family: A Proclamation to the World with Yuliet, and we explained to her about the temple and eternal families. I almost started to cry imagining her and her husband and her 2 little boys, all in white, being sealed inside a temple of the Lord for time and all eternity.

  In other exciting news, we got a branch mission leader!! Yayyy!! We were so excited on Sunday when they called him. He is not Hispanic, and he doesn't speak much Spanish....sooooo....we're not really sure how that's gonna work. Ha. His wife served her mission in Spain and still can speak pretty good Spanish, but we'll see about the husband! Fingers crossed!

Hermana Webb
big hug little hug

PS I just found this on the home page of lds.org and it is my favorite painting ever. Remember that we will never be left comfortless. In His moments of deepest despair, an angel was sent to comfort our Savior Jesus Christ. He suffered all of our pain, sickness, and sorrow so that do not have to if we allow Him to lift our burdens.

The Agony in the Garden

Loving our Valentines package from the coolest Mom ever!!

My dad's mission copy of this
book I get to use on my mission
Sweet gym in our building

Celebrating the cumpleanos de Hermana Guevera!
Quite possibly my favorite hispanic bumper
sticker- "Christ loves you, but He loves
me more!" Haha
And there's just this random train chillin
in the middle of our apartments. Haha