November 23, 2015
This week was awesome!!! I finally mastered a crazy Spanish tongue twister that I've been working on. It goes like this:
El rey de Parangaricutirimicuaro
se quiso desparangaricutirimicuar
el que lo desparangaricutirimicue
sera un gran desparangarimicutirimicuador.
Try saying that 3 times fast.
I've also had a big testimony boost of the importance of our investigators asking specific questions in their prayers!! That is the only way that they will receive revelation. So we've been pushing for that and the outcome has been way cool! We were teaching a new investigator named Juan and he is super receptive and nice. Instead of trying to rush through the prayer in the last two minutes, we spent 10 minutes teaching him how to pray and ask questions. He then sayed the prayer and asked if this truly was the true church. We had pre-set with him that we would wait in silence after he finished the prayer to listen for an answer with thoughts or feelings that came to us. Juan sat there with his eyes closed, pondering for I kid you not 5 minutes after he finished his prayer. I felt the Spirit stronger in those 5 minutes than I have in a long time. It was crazy, it just kept growing stronger and stronger. When he finally opened his eyes, we told him "What you are feeling right now is the Spirit. Now you know that this truly is the Church of Jesus Christ, restored to the Earth." It was a powerful moment when you can truly feel the power of the Holy Ghost working and testifying through you. He then accepted a baptismal date! So everyone, get asking questions!! Even if you have been a member of the church your whole life, get down on your knees and ask time and time again for the truth to be confirmed to your heart. I promise you will have a powerful experience if you do and WAIT for the answer!
On a lighter note, we have been working with a less-active lady and have been teaching her two sons who are 8 and 10. We love the lessons with them because the 8 year old has the biggest imagination and every time we ask him a question, we are guaranteed a quotable answer. Haha. For example, we asked them "what is holding you back from being at church on Sunday?" Dylan (the 8-yr-old) says, totally serious, "Being handsome." Haha. We taught them about the plan of salvation and how they can return to live with Heavenly Father forever. Dylan asked us "Well, what if we want to move out?"
We were all like "Dylan, I don't think we're going to want to move out of heaven." We are still trying to get them to church!! But it will happen soon!! Pray for them! Dylan and his brother want to get baptized so bad!
Another miracle this week came as an answer to many prayers. We have been teaching Hermana Lopez's (the one who recently lost her vision) daughter, Sarita, for a while. She LOVES church and has just soaked absolutely everything in that we have taught her. She's getting baptized on December 19th, following the example of first her old sister, then her mom, and now her! The only concern was that we needed her dad's permission and we weren't too sure that he was going to give it to her, although she has several times looked him straight in the eyes and said "Dad, I am going to get baptized." Haha- she is a feisty 9 year old! So anyways, we have been praying lots that his heart would be softened to give her permission. And we found out this week that our prayers were answered! He gave her permission and he even came to the Thanksgiving activity at the church with them!
As a wise aunt reminded me this week: Don't count the days. Make the days count!!
We decorated our little Christmas trees! I think this sums up my personality perfectly! |
Our favorite taco truck. They just started serving this thing called champurrado which is Mexican hot chocolate and is sooo good. I'm addicted!! |
Henry, Hna Gonzalez's chicken friend. We gave him a bath! |
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